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NPPN conducts a four-step search process

Step 1: Discovery

  • Conduct meetings with client, senior staff, board search committee members to understand the organization’s culture, mission, challenges, and vision.

  • Assist in developing and/or reviewing job description.

  • Maintain client contact with updates throughout the process.

  • Create an executive position synopsis for use in marketing and recruitment.

  • Create a key competency profile and score card based on established position parameters for use by NPPN and the search committee in the recruitment, pre-screening, and interview process.

Step 3: Candidate Assessment and Selection

  • Communicate with all candidates who have applied.

  • Review, evaluate and assess the most qualified candidates with a telephone screen, and in-person pre-screen interviews.

  • Present the “A List” candidates to the search committee.

  • Discuss their candidacy, and select candidates to participate in the formal interview process.

  • Set-up and coordinate formal interview schedule with search committee and approved candidates.

  • Prepare and distribute interview packets to the search committee (to include candidate information, interview questions, schedules, illegal questions, etc.)

  • Participate in and facilitate interviews.

  • Conduct a debriefing session following the first interview to determine who will be asked to return for additional interviews.

  • Determine scope of second and third round interviews.

  • Conduct thorough interviews with professional references for the final candidates.

Step 2: Research and Recruitment

  • Research, recruit and utilize a targeted network to identify qualified candidates from the national non-profit and corporate sectors, as necessary.

  • Prepare and implement NPPN’s strategic approach to recruitment and networking looking for highly qualified passive and active candidates.

  • Conduct a database search for candidates with required skill level and experience from NPPN's extensive files.

  • Coordinate additional outreach via telephone contacts and professional networking.

  • Post position opening; (internet sites, trade journals, and other publications) when appropriate.

  • Share the job description and organization’s materials with identified candidates.

Step 4: Conclusion

  • Facilitate negotiations, as warranted.

  • Coordinate all correspondence to candidates not offered the position.

  • Follow-up within six months with client and candidate to assess transition.

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